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About Local Councils

LRA is, by its constitution, a non-party political organisation. We became involved in local government as the best means of finding what is happening and of influencing the future of our town.

We believe that local government should be managed with openness, accountability, financial prudence and effectiveness. 

LRA councillors act as Independents within their councils, taking account of the aims and policies of LRA, but making decisions according to their individual consciences and their knowledge of the wishes of the residents of their wards. 

(Re-)Register to Vote. By law everyone eligible to vote must be on the electoral register, and to do that the annual canvass of electors must be completed. Not filling in the form could get you a £1,000 fine and a criminal record and prevent you from voting in local and national elections.   LRA is grateful to all those who vote for us in local elections. More on elections

Which council does what?

Essex County Council provide county-wide services like:

  • Schools
  • Roads, streets and transport
  • Children’s social care
  • Adult social care
  • Births, ceremonies and deaths
  • Libraries
  • Recycling centres and tips
  • Trading Standards
  • Epping Forest District Council provides local services like:

  • Collecting recycling and rubbish
  • Housing
  • Planning and building control
  • Collecting Council Tax
  • Benefits
  • Business rates
  • Elections
  • Licensing
  • In the Epping Forest district we have 24 town and parish councils, including Loughton Town Council. They provide services like:

  • Allotments
  • Play areas
  • The Murray and Kingsley Halls (not the Lopping Hall, which is an independent trust)
  • Provides a voice for the Town to County and District Councils
  • Assisting with litter
  • Comment on all planning applications in Loughton
  • The Roding Valley recreation area

  • Epping Forest Youth Council consists of 23 democratically elected young people, 13 to 19 years old, living in the Epping Forest District. They meet monthly to discuss issues important to young people. The Council is non-party political. Youth Councillors are regularly consulted with by the providers of key services for young people. For more information about Youth Council work or to get in touch with a Youth Councillor about an issue please contact the Young Persons’ Officer by email or call 01992 564 365.

    Where do council taxes go?
    Epping Forest District Council, on behalf of all three levels of local government, collects the (combined) council tax from residents. This is how it is distributed:

    88% goes to the County Council. This amount is set by the Conservative-controlled Essex County Council, and includes charges for the fire service and the police service.
    8% goes to the
    Conservative-controlled District Council
    3% goes to the
    Town Council

    More on Council Tax
    Council Tax, Band D 2021/22
    Essex County Council £1,340.91 73%
    Essex Police £208.53 11%
    Essex Fire & Rescue Service £73.89 4%
    Epping Forest District Council £152.46 8%
    Loughton Town Council £62.44 3%
    Total £1,838.23 100%
    Percentages may not add up due to rounding

    Council tax bands.  
    If you have questions, the Valuation Office Agency has information on how bands are determined and what to do if you disagree with your banding.