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Broadway Area Parking Review

29 January 2018

LRA is pressing for Phase 2 of the parking scheme to go ahead asap, looking at the parking in roads within about 15 minutes’ walk of Debden station, and for action by the District Council to free up parking for Broadway shoppers, currently clogged up by commuters.

27 November 2017

The first phase of the long-awaited residents’ parking scheme has taken the commuter pressure off the roads round the Broadway and moved some of it to the surrounding roads, which will be looked at in Phase 2. LRA is pressing for this to go ahead asap – NEPP will look at the parking in roads within about 15 minutes’ walk of Debden station, for action in 2018.  LRA Cllrs and others are pressing the District Council to free up parking for Broadway shoppers, currently clogged up by commuters.

14 October 2017

The first phase of the long-awaited residents’ parking scheme took effect on August 21st. Roadworks should end, and Colson Road re-open, on October 20th. LRA is pressing for Phase 2 to go ahead asap – NEPP will look at the parking in roads within about 15 minutes’ walk of Debden station, for action in 2018. 

7 August 2017

Broadway area parking restrictions phase 1 come into effect 21 August (although we’re told the new restrictions won’t be enforced immediately). Letters will go out to residents on August 7th.

More  (Read 'Epping Forest Amendment 5').

LRA has been pressing for residents to be offered these proposals for ten years –they have only got this far because LRA Cllr Chris Pond has fought so doggedly for them! Although the results won’t be perfect, we hope that residents will gain some respite from commuter parking. The proposals cover the roads NEPP considers to be worst-affected – phase 2 should follow in around a year, and should include Langston Road, which has been dropped from the phase 1 restrictions.

3 July 2017

The first phase of the long-awaited residents parking scheme will be in place by end-August.

19 March 2017

Resident Parking LRA has been pressing for these proposals for ten years –they have only got this far because LRA Cllr Chris Pond has fought so doggedly for them! We hope that residents will support the proposals – they won’t be perfect, but given  NEPP’s huge backlog of requests for parking reviews, they represent the only chance in the foreseeable future for residents to gain some respite from commuter parking. Street notices start going up today and there’ll be a letter drop to residents in the area covered by the scheme (which will include the permit prices). The proposals cover the roads NEPP considers to be worst-affected – phase 2 should follow in around a year.

There are details available for roads in and around Rectory Lane, Colson RoadTorrington Drive and Oakwood Hill.

The next step is for residents to give their comments – please do copy us in

These proposals are separate from the scheme for off-street parking bays in Torrington Drive that some residents have heard about from the District Council. The Council’s Area Housing Manager has suggested it might be sensible to make the same £48 permit available for these off-street parking bays as for the newly-proposed on-street bays, but this is only an indication at present -we await further details.