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Council Tax 2017-18

This information is based on the information available at 31/01/17.

On average across the District, for every £1 of Council Tax you pay, the money is shared in the following way:

Essex County Council 72%
Essex Police 10%
Essex Fire and Rescue Service 4%
Epping Forest District Council 10%
Town and Parish Councils 4%

What’s each Council proposing?

Essex County Council Essex County Council (ECC) plans to increase Council Tax by £33.57 for a Band D household, the maximum allowed by the Government as a social care ‘levy’, but won’t make any other increase. It also plans to invest more than £260m of capital on schools, special education needs and roads [this comes after years of under-spending on the County’s roads by successive Conservative administrations]. Summary here.
Epping Forest District Council Epping Forest District Council: no change. More

Essex Police: the Police and Crime Commissioner has proposed anincrease in the Police component of Council tax of £4.95 per year for a band D property. The additional money will fund additional resources in line with commitments under the recently published Police and Crime Plan, including:
- an increase in police officers
- the doubling of the Special Constable Programme
- improvements in the 101 public contact system

Detailed reasons for the increase here (paras 4.3 – 4.5)
Essex Fire and Rescue Service Essex Fire & Rescue Service: proposed increase of £1.25 for a Band D household. There are lots of minor changes in the budgets between 2016-17 and 2017-18, but the biggest difference is that, instead of drawing heavily on reserves as they did in 2016-17, next year they plan a small increase in resreves..99%. Details here
Loughton Town Council10

Loughton Town Council (LTC) precept for 2017/18. At full Council meeting on January 25th, the Council considered its first Council Tax increase for 7 years. This was approved and the annual Band D charge will go up by under 5p a week, so that the new figure would still be under £1 a week, and well below some other local town/parish councils’ rates. The increase will provide a much-needed increase in the reserve the Council holds for work on the Neighbourhood Plan and the District Council’s draft Local Plan (dLP) – LTC has strongly objected to various aspects of the dLP (as have LRA & residents), Particularly the proposals to build on open spaces, such as the Debden greens. It seems likely that the council will need to pay for professional help during the next stages of its development. More here and here


2016-17        2017-18 % increase Cash increase
County Council £1,130.13 £1,163.70 3% £33.57
District Council £148.77 £148.77 0% £0.00
Police £152.10 £157.05 3.25% £4.95
Fire £67.68 £69.03 1.99% £1.25
Town Council £49.18 £51.64 4.98% £2.46