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Crime in Loughton

25 September 2018

Recently, residents have become increasingly concerned about crime, particularly crime by youths (and on youths). Marion Barclay arranged two public meetings at Loughton Club, ably chaired by Independent Cllr Stephen Murray, which were very well-attended by residents and by LRA Cllrs, and where residents could raise specific issues and the police could explain what they were doing.

Among the many issues raised were: the anti-social behaviour of a group of teenagers coming from outside the borough and congregating in and around Loughton Station and Debden Broadway; a lack of visible Police presence; the closure of Loughton police station, no British Transport Police (BTP) presence at Loughton and Debden Stations, youngsters fare-dodging and the lack of street lights.

In response CI Basford and BTP have increased uniformed and plain-clothes patrols in Loughton (of course, we can’t tell that plainclothes teams are around, any more than the troublemakers can). We do however know that there have been arrests in Loughton. Also the police have been present at Loughton & Debden Tube Stations checking for knives.

Epping Forest Neighbourhood Watch do a great job of reporting what’s going on. Join them, or help set up a NW group in your road if there isn’t one already).

We exchange information with them constantly.

Although our police station‘s public desk is closed (it wasn’t used much anyway), the station is the base for the local Community team, and several other police teams.

Our District Commander, Lewis Basford, has emphasised the importance of every resident reporting each and every crime, even if you think the police will not be able to act. The number of police officers we have locally depends largely on the number of crime reports that come in. Also, if you’re not happy with the service you get, please complain.

LRA Cllr Chris Pond has asked the police for statistics of crimes committed during 1- 5am when the lights are off but hasn’t yet received them. CI Basford has said that there’s no known research that shows that crime increases when streetlights are switched off overnight.
Street lights: LRA Cllr Chris Pond fought the Conservative County Council’s switch-off plan from the start, and gained improvements for Loughton to cover Tube running hours.

When should you use 999?

Only when there is a direct and immediate threat to life or property or if a crime is in progress. Or there’s been a road traffic collision and someone is hurt and/or a danger is being caused to other road users.


For routine enquiries. or to report crimes or incidents which are over, ring 101 or - on your computer or phone - go to www.essex.police.uk; under Do it online choose what it’s about (this frees up the call-taker to deal with other calls and reduces other callers’ waiting times).
For British Transport Police: incidents on or near stations and on public transport, call 0800 40 50 40 or text 61016.

Report crime anonymously on Crimestoppers:     0800 555 111 or https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

For local enquiries (not crimes), email Loughton police station