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2016 Elections

March 2016
Useful information
Elections for the Epping Forest District Council and the Loughton Town Council were held on Thursday 5 May 2016. We are delighted that LRA’s candidates for the Epping Forest District Council and Loughton Town Council were successfully elected in all 28 of the seats we stood in. Results

We are very grateful to those who stood as candidates, to those who worked so hard to support them, and to all those who voted for us!

Our Independent non-political Cllrs promise to continue to work on behalf of all Loughton’s residents.

              Election information
Helpful infrormation from the District Council.

Councillors (Cllrs) look after our Town and District and work on ways to improve it. Much council work goes on behind the scenes, and our Cllrs have an effect from the earliest stages of proposed changes. They also work on problems raised by individual residents.

LRA has Cllrs at both the Town and District Councils. LRA Cllrs are independent and non-political. Our Cllrs are not an “Opposition” to the majority Conservative administration on the District & County Councils. LRA doesn’t dictate how its Cllrs should vote. If the Council is getting things right then, our Cllrs will support them. But when the Council proposes something which would have an adverse effect on our town, LRA Cllrs will challenge this and will work hard to achieve a better outcome.

Find your ward
Use the Ordnance Survey
maps (enter your postcode, on the left click 'Boundary', then tick the box 'District Wards').
More on LRA candidatesMore on what the LRA has done
Elections and the voting process
General information on voting and elections.

Please support LRA this year!
We want to continue our work for Loughton so please vote for us this year, so we can keep helping us to help you! Reflecting on some of the things that have made Loughton a better place to live, the positive impact LRA continues to have on Loughton is undeniable. Holding the majority of seats in Loughton Town Council, and sponsoring Cllrs on all three tiers of local government, we are perfectly placed to help and support local people. By consulting with, and listening to, local people, whether through our Cllrs or at our monthly stall at the Farmers’ market, we stay informed of what matters to you. Here are a few of our recent achievements:
We are very careful with your money. Every item of expenditure is questioned and scrutinised. The Loughton Town Council element of the council tax has been kept at the same level since 2011, with below-inflation increase before that. The District and County councils profited from a Freeze Grant every year from the Government to freeze their tax; Town Councils were not eligible for that grant, so six years of frozen tax has been paid for by clear economy and more efficient working.

What am I voting for this year?

Loughton Town Council

The Town Council (LTC) is Loughton's own council, where Loughton issues can be discussed without input from other parts of the district or county. The wellbeing of the town is its only focus. It listens to and speaks for local people on issues such as planning and the environment. Every planning application comes before the Planning Committee, and the plans are looked at in detail by the councillors - not just officers - in the light of any comments from people involved. Road and parking schemes receive the same sort of scrutiny. Open spaces and leisure facilities are a major preoccupation, and many of the Town's own playing fields have been made “QEII fields” to protect them for decades. LTC does small things to brighten up the town and add to its interest, like the flower baskets and blue plaques.

Loughton has 7 wards across the town. Each ward elects 3 to 4 councillors to the Town Council for the next four years.

Of the total of 22 seats on the Town Council, LRA hold 18 and have controlled the Town Council since 2003. All 22 seats are up for re-election this year.

Epping Forest District Council

Epping Forest District Council delivers many services including public health and environmental services, planning and building control, waste collection and recycling, drainage, housing,and leisure services.

Epping Forest has 32 wards across the district. Each ward elects between 1 and 3 councillors, with a total of 58 councillors.

Of the total of 58 seats on the District Council, LRA hold 12. 21 of these seats are up for re-election this year, including all 8 of the LRA-held seats.