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Forest Road/Smarts Lane Area Parking Review

29 January 2018

Residents’ parking is now in operation. Without warning, NEPP has launched a 6-month temporary parking waiver (at £245) for businesses – We are watching whether the temporary parking waivers for businesses affects parking for residents.

27 November 2017

Residents’ parking is now in operation. Without warning, NEPP has launched a 6-month temporary parking waiver (at £245) for businesses – we will be watching whether the extra parking affects parking for residents. (see LRA’s letter to residents)

14 October 2017

Residents’ parking is now in operation. NEPP will be considering permits for businesses and others, and LRA Cllr Chris Pond and Cllr Valerie Metcalf will be watching closely to ensure any extra permits don’t affect parking for residents (see LRA’s letter to residents).

16 September 2017

Residents’ parking will go ahead as planned (but Business Permits will be re-thought) on September 25th.

7 August 2017

Residents’ parking will go ahead as planned (but Business Permits will be re-thought) by end-September (this may slip).

3 July 2017

The North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) is considering the objections received from residents and we hope to have a decision on the scheme in August.

19 March 2017

Resident Parking LRA has been working for years for a solution to the parking problems experienced by residents in Smarts Lane, Forest Road and neighbouring roads. LRA County Cllr Chris Pond, together with County Cllr Valerie Metcalfe, have finally persuaded the North Essex Parking Partnership to put forward proposals for residents’ parking. They strongly suggested that an initial suggestion by NEPP of parking on one side of the road only was unlikely to meet residents’ needs, or their approval, and this was dropped.

The next step is for residents to give their comments – please do copy us in.

NEPP’s Statement of Reasons Smarts Lane/Forest Road/High Beech Road/Nursery Road
“A resident parking scheme will improve the parking provision for local residents and their visitors, with spaces often assumed by non-residents associated with the nearby tube station and town. The introduction of nominal double yellow lines will serve to enhance the sight lines in the vicinity to improve safety and access. Limited waiting bays will also provide customers with an opportunity to utilise and element of free parking encouraging footfall to the nearby businesses. “

You can see the proposals, and how to comment on them. More Map 1 Map 2