News Langston Road Retail Park Development
29 January 2018
The Conservative-led District Council has
failed on its promises to attract predominantly fashion-led shops to the retail
park, and has still not managed to fill all the units. While many residents
welcome the wide range of outlets, there are signs that trade on The Broadway
(where the shops are also owned by the Council) is being adversely affected.
There are signs that the District Council
is finally starting to see sense on funding a bus service to the new shops,
which LRA has been pressing for since the start of the project
The Chigwell Lane roadworks dragged on
far longer than originally promised; the traffic lights still need adjusting to
match the traffic-flow, and more railings are needed at the Borders Lane
27 November 2017
works have dragged on and, despite its promises when the Retail Park
planning application was approved, the Conservative-led District
Council have allowed shops to open before the roadworks are completed.
Aldi should open end-November. LRA Cllr Chris Pond has been pressing
the County and District Councils for a bus service to the new
14 October 2017
works have dragged on and, despite its promises when the Retail Park
planning application was approved, the Conservative-led District
Council have allowed shops to open before the roadworks are completed
and Colson Road re-opens (due October 20th). Aldi should open
16 September 2017
works have dragged on and, despite its promises when the Retail Park
planning application was approved, the Conservative-led District
Council have allowed shops to open before the roadworks are
7 August 2017
District Council hopes the major works will be completed by end-August. However further delays are still possible.
5 July 2017
Lane roadworks: District Council hopes the major works will be complete
by end-July. However, further delays are still possible. More
21 July 2016
Highways have started on the Chigwell Lane roadworks relating to the
District Council's planned Langston Road retail park. These are due to
carry on till December 23rd. The District Council have assured us there
are no proposed closures of the highway and any disruptive works will
be carried on out of hours.
Be aware that delays are likely. Traffic lights will be in place only on Sundays
& nights. Signs, cones, drainage, street widening, street lighting,
road surfacing & markings will be in place.
they assert that there will be no disruption, the District Council
turned down LRA Cllr Chris Pond’s request earlier this year for
consideration of a rent reduction for traders in The Broadway.)
Langston Road retail park
District Council has agreed to pay £10,218,000 to McLaughlin &
Harvey Construction to build the park, and £2,413,082 to Walkers
Construction for associated road-
works. At this time there are no
negotiations with discounter brands but there is wide interest from a
number of different retail areas including fashion, toys, furniture,
sports, outdoor activities and food.
The current anticipated opening date for the Shopping Park is August 2017. More.