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Featured News
Oaklands School

21 July 2016

Oaklands School, Albion Hill have appealed against the District Council’s rejection of their recent planning application. The school applied for 30 more pupil places and a car-park and drop-off area on land off Warren Hill. The appeal is to be decided on the basis of Written Representations and a site visit by an Inspector. Traffic & parking by staff and parents causes considerable problems for nearby residents.

You are invited to give your views. To see the plans go to View the plans on the District Council website. Enter Application Number EPF/2774/15. On the next screen click on
EPF/2774/15, then on the next screen at the bottom, click “View Plans and other Documents related to this application”.

The LRA Plans Group believes that the plans have serious flaws. If you’d like a copy of our letter to the Inspector, when available, please let us know.