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Remembrance Sunday 2020

21 November 2020
Because of the lockdown, most of the usual events had to be cancelled this year. Nevertheless, as usual, LRA Cllr David Wixley laid a wreath from LRA at the War Memorial on Kings Green. Three arches were also erected and bedecked with knitted poppies on Kings Green to honour the fallen and to celebrate VE Day and VJ Day; these were designed by the The Woodlands Branch Essex Handicrafts Association.

Loughton Town Council arranged a display of cascading poppies knitted, crocheted and donated by Loughton residents at the front entrance to Loughton Library, Traps Hill, surrounding Tommy, the There but not There soldier who forms part of this display. The Town Council were overwhelmed with the response. More

Remembrance Sunday 2020 Poppy Display
Image: Loughton Town Council

Remembrance Sunday 2020 Laying Wreath
Remembrance Sunday 2020 Kings Green