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Waste and Recycling Collections

Support LRA7 June 2024
As reported last year, the District Council decided to create a Council owned company that will collect household waste and recycling, and also provide street cleansing. This will replace the existing service provided by Biffa, and will start in November.

The future service will be operated by the District Council's new wholly owned company Terra Verde Services (TVS), with provision and maintenance of a new fleet of waste and recycling vehicles from Specialist Fleet Services Ltd (SFS). SFS will have responsibility for the maintenance of the fleet, which will take place at the Council’s new environmental operations hub at North Weald Airfield. More

14 July 2023
District Council to Manage Waste and Recycling Collections

The District Council has decided to create a council owned company that will collect household waste and recycling. It will also provide street cleansing.

The new arrangements are planned to be in place once the existing contract with Biffa ends in November 2024, with the Council planning to take full management control including:

This follows last winter's disruption to the service. Earlier this year the Council decided to go to market and run a full procurement process for the Waste/Street Cleansing contract. At the time, the Council also announced they were planning to use part of North Weald Airfield to park and maintaining ​refuse vehicles when not on the road, after a new contractor was in place. They have now decided outsourcing to a private company is not the way forward for the service.

The Council has not publicly released material related to the decision or given details on the outcomes they expect, except to say "value for money is much more important than the cheapest option [and] the new service will need to hit environmental targets as well as customer expectations." They also say they are "moving away from diesel, looking at ways to procure a greener, cleaner fleet powered by more sustainable fuels". More

LRA Comment: This may save money as the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has stated that the market for services in this area is highly concentrated (p10) when they investigated the merger of Veolia and Suez in 2022, which can lead to higher costs for Councils. However it could make the District Council vulnerable to strike action (from which it's been free since the 1980s).  It does make a third wheelie bin more likely for recycling, which may be fine for houses with big gardens and side exits; but impractical for small houses and cottages.

3 March 2023
Disruption to Waste and Recycling Collections

Collections seem to have returned to normal, with only a small number of roads currently affected.

If you collection is missed, check here. If your road is on the list leave your bins out to be collected. If your road is not on the list report it here.

If you are reliant on an assisted collection and this is not happening, report it to the District Council online or call 01992 564000. (Assisted collections can be arranged for elderly or disabled residents who cannot move their bins to the boundary, providing there is no-one else in their household or they have a willing neighbour who is able to move the bins for them. You can apply here or call 01992 564000.)

10 February 2023
Disruption to Waste and Recycling Collections

The District Council has provided an update on the ongoing issues with domestic waste and recycling collections. Most of the excessive number of full bins and piles of recycling that were on the streets in January have now been taken away.

There are now only small number of streets where collections have been missed. If your collection is missed, check here first to see if Council already knows, in which case leave your bins out to be collected. More on what to do if this does not happen.

As reported previously the Council has now decided to go to market and run a full procurement process for the Waste/Street Cleansing contract. The Council is also reported to be looking at options at North Weald Airfield for parking and maintaining refuse vehicles when they are not on the road, plus washing and parking facilities for the crews. No waste will be processed there. The aerodrome is the only place they have to do this, though of course it is a long way from most of the population in the District. They say that this will put the Council in a better position when procuring the new waste and recycling contract when the current one expires in November 2024, and potentially brings down costs for more companies to bid, knowing that there is a central council-owned place to park trucks to keep, clean, and maintain all the refuse fleet when not on their rounds. One of the reasons Biffa won the contract is that they could do this. In reality, there are not many firms who are in a position to bid anyway.

The Council are also making budget provision to buy new refuse vehicles to replace the current ageing fleet.
LRA Comment: The District Council should not have been so quick to sell off its Langston Road depot 8-9 years ago, which was much more central to the population. They used it for the Epping Forest Shopping Park, and in doing so created a traffic bottleneck.


13 January 2023
Apology for Missed Bin Collections

The District Council has apologised for the ongoing issues with domestic waste and recycling collections.

Poor performance by waste and recycling contractor Biffa over Christmas and the New Year has compounded problems due to the severe weather earlier in December. While the pre-Christmas cold snap exacerbated the current difficulties, the recent problems are part of a longer term trend.

There are many causes to the current situation. The District Council may now be questioning the wisdom of redeveloping the old refuse vehicle maintenance depot on Langston Road and getting Biffa to maintain depots instead, along with a fleet of new lorries which may all need replacing at once. LRA has pointed this out in the past.

If your collection is missed, check here first to see if Council already knows, in which case leave your bins out to be collected. More on what to do if this does not happen. Currently there are dozens of streets in our town that have not had recycling or food and garden waste bins collected.

As reported previously the Council have now decided go to market and run a full procurement process for the Waste/Street Cleansing contract which expires in November 2024.