Loughton Residents Association
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Election 2024 - Please Vote LRA on Thursday 2nd May

Green Spaces - Under threat and the Forest too. LRA always defends your amenities and our environment.

Jessel GreenEFDC Local Plan - Residents and LRA fought hard at the Inquiry to correct Council errors, like wanting to build on Jessel Green and other green spaces. Conservative Cllrs deny our area is at saturation and that the Forest is being damaged by ever-dense building.

No high rise or garden-grabbing - EFDC Cons squeezed 1021 homes in the Loughton Plan. LRA got this reduced to 445 - even this is town cramming. Our area can’t take this increase. The Central Line and roads can’t cope now - we have traffic congestion and air pollution.

Road charging (CAZ)
- EFDC Conservatives will have to have this for 2025 but this could further damage our area. LRA opposes charging residents to drive to Epping or Waltham Abbey.

LRA protected the cricket ground - Fields in Trust. EFDC did not oppose cramming College sites with flats. Where will they all park?

Green SpaceLRA - 35 Seats on 3 Councils - We say Residents and our town first.

Town Council Tax £1.47 a week - With 21 out of 22 seats, LRA Cllrs improved services. Our tax is lower than Epping, Waltham Abbey and Ongar.

Essex County Council - Conservative dominated, take 62% of your Council Tax. With Essex Police, Fire & social care costs it's 88%.

Roads & Pavements - are a disgrace. Conservative run Essex County Council has failed over 25 years to repair them. We always chase up faults in our town until repaired.

Parking - If commuters can park free near stations, residents can’t park near their homes. LRA fights for parking solutions and got the Council to put resident-only controls in 14 roads near Debden Station.

Apartment BuildingLRA fights over-development - Greedy developers exploit relaxed planning rules by town cramming - residents don't want any more high rise urbanisation.

Shops - LRA seeks a mix of shops to keep the High Road and The Broadway vibrant. Langston Road retail park has jeopardised existing shops - too many vacant units.

Forest & Green Belt - LRA defends both so we can enjoy green space between Buckhurst Hill, Theydon, Chigwell & Chingford.

EFDC Cons, 18 years in control - Residents want change: More effort to enhance our heritage. Less following central government policy. Keep our area green and pleasant. Vote for Independent LRA Cllrs with independent minds - not national party robots.

Read about LRA's Candidates here